Episode 4: Ally Yu- A young soul embracing a more beautiful life after surviving cancer

Ally immigrated to Canada with her parents when she was 13 years old. She was the type of Asian kid who was good at math and got straight-As. She considers herself a banana smoothie who is integrated into the Western culture but also values her Chinese heritage. Ally worked hard during her undergraduate studies at McGill University, and she had a goal of becoming a physician. However, soon after her graduation, she received a life-changing, shocking diagnosis of leukemia. Cancer has been the most challenging thing she ever had to face in her life, but she strived to be an ‘exceptional patient’ during her treatment. Just recently, she celebrated her two-year anniversary of cancer remission. As a young 20-something-year-old, Ally has been very motivated in her self-development. She is now embarking on a new journey of cancer research to use her own experience to help leukemia patients and their families.
To connect with Ally: linkedin.com/in/ally-yu-6a075092
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